About me

Yovka Kamencheva

My name is Yovka Kamencheva and I am proud of the founding of Interpublic. With a strong vision and unwavering pursuit of quality, I established the company in 2019 to bring the best of Greece, Bulgaria and Italy to the Cypriot market. My path has been filled with challenges, but with determination and perseverance, I have managed to overcome all obstacles. I believe that my passion for innovation and high standards have made Interpublic a symbol of quality and reliability. I have always believed that with the right approach and sustainable values, long-term success can be achieved.

My dedication to customers and my determination have made Interpublic a preferred partner for cosmetics, perfumes, air fresheners, toilet paper, laundry and cleaning products.

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Product range
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Happy clients
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Partner relations
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Global connections

Achieved Awards Achievements

Best Business Award
Best Design 2023
Competitive Pricing Award
Best Creative Idea
Distinction for High Quality
Best Development
Award for Customer Service & Loyalty
Best Design 2020
Recognition for Excellent Partnerships
Best Design 2020
Sustainable Development Award
Best Design 2020

About Us

Our expert consultants are available to answer your inquiries at any time, through various communication channels – phone, email or live chat.

Contact Info

Cyprus & Bulgaria
(+357) 96884050
(+359) 895780189

Our expert consultants will listen carefully and help you.

Contact us
+357 96 884 050
+359 895 780 189

We are at your disposal!